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Image City




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Gallery Picks of the Show

Women's Perspectives 2024


April 16 - May 12, 2024

Gallery Partners have chosen our "Picks of the Show"
by Guest Photographers

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All images copyright by the individual photographers

Springtime Down on the Farm by Cindy El-Gaaly


Springtime Down on the Farm by Cindy El-Gaaly

Congratulations to Cindy El-Gaaly, whose photo entitled Springtime Down on the Farm, receives a Gallery Pick.  Choosing to present this large photo with a sleek, frameless acrylic face enhances the viewer’s experience by providing exceptional clarity and color saturation, while minimizing the distraction of glare.  

Cindy’s photo transports the viewer into an idyllic pastoral scene, resonating with the tranquil beauty of rural life.  The revitalized greenery of the trees, lush and vibrant, stand as a testament to nature’s awakening.  Gently kissed by the spring sun, the leaves seem to dance with a newfound effervescence.  

Nestled amidst this reawakening landscape, sits a charming, rustic barn. Its weathered walls and simple architecture speak volumes of timeless simplicity and the enduring spirit of pastoral toil. The two white windows of the barn peak out from the background, adding a touch of contrast to the earthy tones of the structure. There is a sense of history and stories untold woven into the barn’s wooden beams and tin roof, a steadfast sentinel overlooking the seasonal change.  

In the foreground a carpet of colorful spring flowers in shades of purple and pink dances in the gentle breeze, creating a vivid tapestry of hues that symbolize the renewal and vitality of the season.  They stand proudly, marking the unbreakable cycle of bloom and growth that define the farm’s rhythm. 

Thank you, Cindy, for capturing the essence of a peaceful rural landscape in full bloom, evoking a sense of serenity and tranquility. The juxtaposition of the weathered barn, vibrant flowers and lush trees creates a harmonious blend of textures and colors that celebrate the beauty of the spring season in all its glory.  

By Marie Costanza

Valley of the Whales by Andrea A. Gluckman


Valley of the Whales by Andrea A. Gluckman

Andrea's third exhibit as Visiting Artist showcases her ongoing series of curated photographs from a recent art residency in Cairo. In her statement, she emphasizes that the power of her images lies in "the impersonal continuation of existence, indifferent to human presence." 'Valley of the Whales' serves as a compelling example.

The title of this photograph and its sweeping desert vista piqued my curiosity, prompting me to 'Google' it’s title. It's astonishing to consider that 37 million years ago, what Andrea photographed was a shallow, tropical bay of a sea that covered not only this region but all of northern Egypt. Some of the whale skeletons unearthed here measure up to 50 feet in length, with vertebrae as thick as campfire logs.

Photographers often deliberate between capturing a wide-angle perspective or a minimalist close-up to convey their narrative. Throughout most of her exhibit, Andrea opts for the former. For example, the stark contrast of the blue sky against the contrails of planes or high cirrus clouds forming a crown to the left of center highlights the unique circular formation amidst this vast desert landscape. The round objects, resembling bales of hay on a local farm, also emerge from the sand's surface. Their formation creates a subtle, albeit not entirely mirrored effect of the clouds. After viewing other online photos, these oblong objects on the ground seem to be collections of vertebrae from these ancient whales.

Thus, meeting another criterion that photographers set for exhibiting their work, I immersed myself in the photograph, striving to discern its intricacies and how it aligns with Andrea's stated objectives. Thank you, Andrea for a wonderful educational experience. 

by Dick Bennett

Old Orchard Beach by Donna LaPlante


Old Orchard Beach  Donna LaPlante  ($200)

Visiting Old Orchard Beach in Maine is like stepping back into history. The entire town focuses on the beach, amusement park and an amazing pier that projects out into the ocean. The summer sees crowds of families from near and far enjoying this magic place.

Donna’s photo of the pier is beautifully composed.  It almost seems to project out into the ocean with its spindly legs holding it up. Including these supports contributes to the impression of the pier almost floating in air. The absence of the crowds allows the viewer to focus solely on the pier and its environment.

As you can see the buildings on the pier are old and weathered. There are no “golden arches” but with the exception of the air conditioners this photo could be close to 100 years old.

By Steve Levinson

The Leftover Horse by Melissa Mance-Coniglio


The Leftover Horse by Melissa Mance-Coniglio

The Women’s Perspective Show is filled with wonderfully beautiful flowers, birds, and interesting architectural photographs… and then surprisingly is The Leftover Horse. This might be a photo of a garage sale gone wrong. It could be a collection of “stuff” from a hoarder’s house. Then there’s that little horse near the center of the frame! This looks like a scene from Toy Story when an adult walk in the room and everyone freezes. Melissa has caught that moment a second after they leave, and the characters are ready to reanimate themselves. That poor little leftover horse, head down in despair, it’s rocking horse legs ready to rock, will raise his head and energize his friends hiding in plain sight around the room.

Melissa has somehow frozen a scene with the press of her shutter release. The thing is the scene was already frozen. As a viewer you can look around the messy frame and find interesting things to observe in every corner. The other “actors” lie in an intended diagonal waiting for the director to say “Action!” 

Melissa has created a story in this well constructed frame. A difficult thing to do in a single frame. Thanks for sharing!

By Don Menges

Welcome to the World by Margy Meath 


Welcome to the World by Margy Meath

Congratulations to Margy Meath, whose photograph Welcome to the World, illustrates a moment of pure enchantment. The image of two baby owls peering out of their nesting box is a delightful visual treat for the viewer. 

The dwelling with its earthy hues and rustic charm, provides a cozy backdrop for the adorable owls.  The smooth green and yellow bokeh in the background enhances the texture and colors of the owls and their nesting box, creating a harmonious and visually pleasing composition. The soft, blurred background adds a dreamy quality to the image, while creating a magical atmosphere of the scene. The gentle green, white and yellow hues hint at the mysteries of nature unfolding, inviting viewers to imagine the hidden wonders of the forest just beyond the frame.

What truly enchanted me about this photograph is the silent narrative it whispers. I could almost envision the thoughts going through the two owlets as they gaze out in wonder at the world beyond their cozy abode.

In this image the viewer has a fleeting glimpse of the untamed beauty of the natural world, where innocence and wisdom coexist in perfect harmony. It is a reminder that amidst the chaos of the modern world, there still exists a realm of magic and wonder waiting to be explored.

By Marie Costanza

Angel Wings—Common Redpoll by Patty Singer


Angel Wings—Common Redpoll   Patty Singer   ($200)

There are many photographs of birds, a very popular subject—capturing their beauty and ephemeral qualities.  Patty has gone beyond just “recording” what birds look like (cataloging) with Angel Wings--Common Redpoll which goes beyond being a straight record of the bird and into fine art nature photography.

The photo has an almost Asian look to it with its strong vertical composition.  The bird is beautifully contrasted against the plant it is perched on---almost posing for the photographer to capture it with its wings so fully on display.

The soft background, almost out of focus, provides context for the photo without taking the viewer’s attention away from the Redpoll and the intricate shape of the plant that it is perched upon.  The bird looks like it is almost ready to take off. Patty caught it at the exact right time, catching the right focus plane where the bird and plant are in focus and the background out of focus.

The bird’s tones complement the green of the stalk it is posing on, with a background color that allows the photographer to be integrated in colors, using them to define the three planes of the photograph.

This is a beautiful example of moving beyond just “capturing” birds with photography to creating a strong piece of work.

By Steve Levinson

Image City Photography Gallery  ♦   722 University Avenue  ♦    Rochester, NY 14607 ♦ 585.271.2540
In the heart of ARTWalk in the Neighborhood of the Arts